Saturday, December 27, 2008

Here's a small note :

Most of our church youth have gone/are going to go to RBS..

Well, here's the official forum site :

You can :

1) Keep up with your RBS buddies if you have attended RBS in whatever year.
2) Ask pertinent questions about anything you want to know about RBS. Seniors can answer. Or else, you can just learn from experience yourself... Jkjk... Ahaha.


Note to all blog readers :

The bulletin on the right-hand which tells the dates, time and venue for various events that we'll be having will be updated... Almost as soon as we plan them, which means when I or somebody else gets home and on-9 to post it up.

So keep checking back for events, kay!!!

- Alexis -

P.S : To all those who are posting stuff up on this blog, please write your name at the bottom of the post - thanks!!! =)

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