Monday, July 14, 2008

James 4:17

Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins.

Sounds simple right? But try obeying it on a daily basis. You have to admit, sometimes things does'nt just turn out what we want them to be. After a long day, when you're tired and all you can think of is your bed, tv and computer. What will you do when your mom or dad suddenly steps into your room and asks that you go do the dishes? Increasing the volume of your radio wont help, ignoring your parents wont get you out of this as you have already made eye contact with them, and your brother or sister is out. You know you must obey your parents, but you're tired. You deserve a rest after a whole day at school and tuition. But your parents deserve that as much as you do to, they worked all day for you. What then will you do? I for one, struggle with this everyday.

I believe being a Christian demands the best of us all. Even washing the dishes counts. Its called honoring your father and mother. And to achieve great things for God, we first need to start small. So, 'anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins.'

I pray that this verse will awake all of us from our slumber, to realize that the devil is really out there doing his best to bring us down. Start a fresh then, as this week begins, with me, with each other, constantly remembering each other in prayer too.

~taken from Adrian when he spoke on the 12th of July 2008 during YF.

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