Friday, June 27, 2008

Peer Pressure-ism

You see it everywhere. From the (underage)kids sitting in the coffee shop smoking and trying to look cool, to the young adults who go out for so-called 'social drinking' because their friends asked them to and to the teens who laugh at dirty and so-not God glorifying jokes that nobody should be telling and listening to.

It's easy to succumb to it. Peer pressure, I mean. To want to be part of the group and have friends and 'kakis' as Uncle CC would put it is normal.

But we also have to know our limits. Don't be afraid to say no or to state your stand, to tell your friends how you feel about something that you know is wrong. If they respect you, they'll respect your decisions not to join them in whatever they're doing that's against the principles that we, as Christians, hold.

As Christians we should be 'light and salt of the earth'. Not because nobody else is going to do it, but because we are called to be witnesses for Christ. And by letting people know on which side of the line you stand and why, we're being witnesses.

So I hope that when you guys read this, you'll keep it in mind as you go about your daily lives among your friends.

Just a thought. =)

By Alexis C.

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